DWSD Office Building & Payment Box Access
January 29, 2025
DWSD Office Building & Payment Box Access
We would like to inform our customers of changes to our Office Building and Payment Box access. Due to the road improvements made to Park Ten Drive, the FRONT of our office building is now accessible by travelling West down Park Ten Drive, continuing to the ENTRANCE access just past the front of the office, which will loop you to immediate parking directly in FRONT of the office building. Please note the DO NOT ENTER sign in place where the drive is for exiting only. We've had many near accidents here, so please be cautious of the many changes and the signs that are in place to assist in the direction of traffic flow and easier access to our building.
Parking in the FRONT of the building is meant to be "diagonal" in order to accommodate many more parking spaces, along with a continued driveway in the same direction which allows a drive-through access to drop payments into our Payment Box. Diagonal parking as intended, will keep from blocking the drive for those who wish to utilize the payment box. The Payment Box (as indicated by signage), is directly on the left side of the new median. Please do NOT place our payments in the US Mailbox.
In addition, note the side of the building(Northeast side), is for EMPLOYEE parking only(signs are in place); therefore, please continue just past the front of the building on Park Ten Drive, using the new loop drive to park directly in FRONT of the office building by the front door. Please do not access our office through the small side roadway as this is being used for work vehicles and emergency ambulance vehicles which are behind the building. The new roadway improvements will allow for a much smoother access and once the striping and additional signage is added, we are sure will become much less confusing for our customers.
Please note that there is also a payment box located on the exterior wall of Aloha Plaza, between the Post Office and Keesler Federal Credit Union.
Additionally, you can make payments online at www.dwsd.us. Thank you for your patience and understanding.